Monday, November 9, 2009

Cecil Richards Speaks Out Against Stupak-Pitts

Planned Parenthood condemns the adoption of the Stupak/Pitts amendment in HR 3962 this evening. This amendment is an unacceptable addition to the health care reform bill that, if enacted, would result in women losing health benefits they have today. Simply put, the Stupak/Pitts amendment would restrict women’s access to abortion coverage in the private health insurance market, undermining the ability of women to purchase private health plans that cover abortion, even if they pay for most of the premiums with their own money. This amendment reaches much further than the Hyde Amendment, which has prohibited public funding of abortion in most instances since 1977.
Planned Parenthood serves three million women every year through its more than 850 affiliate health centers across the country and has worked tirelessly on behalf of those patients for affordable, quality health care. On behalf of the millions of women Planned Parenthood health centers serve, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America has no choice but to oppose HR 3962. The bill includes the Stupak/Pitts amendment that would leave women worse off after health care reform than they are today, violating President Obama’s promise to the American people that no one would be forced to lose her or his present coverage under health reform.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Was Roe a Mistake?

An article in Wall Street Journal claims that if the Supreme Court decides to hear an appeal of California's Proposition 8 (which outlawed same sex marriage), the justices would be "repeating the mistakes of Roe."
It would be disastrous for the justices to do so. They would repeat the error in Roe v. Wade: namely, trying to remove a morally charged policy issue from the forums of democratic deliberation and resolve it according to their personal lights. Even many supporters of legal abortion now consider Roe a mistake. Lacking any basis in the text, logic or original understanding of the Constitution, the decision became a symbol of the judicial usurpation of authority vested in the people and their representatives. It sent the message that judges need not be impartial umpires—as both John Roberts and Sonia Sotomayor say they should be—but that judges can impose their policy preferences under the pretext of enforcing constitutional guarantees.

By short-circuiting the democratic process, Roe inflamed the culture war that has divided our nation and polarized our politics. Abortion, which the Court purported to settle in 1973, remains the most unsettled issue in American politics—and the most unsettling. Another Roe would deepen the culture war and prolong it indefinitely.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cheers to AZ Lawmakers Who Stand Up for Women...and Jeers to Those Who Let Us Down!

Hundreds of bills moved through the Arizona Legislature this past spring and into the summer; some of which, as you know, will drastically impact women’s access to reproductive care.

Planned Parenthood Arizona fought diligently for the reproductive rights of all Arizona women and families. There was common sense legislation offered that addressed fundamental health care needs, only to have it mischaracterized and rejected by anti-choice legislators. Positive proposals such as offering comprehensive, responsible sex education in Arizona schools were never even considered.

We encourage you to take a few minutes to review your legislators' voting record and to contact them with a message of CHEERS or JEERS to let them know how you feel about their votes on issues related to choice this legislative session.

Our easy-to-use Legislative Scorecard gives a description of each bill we tracked this session as well as a list of how every State Representative and State Senator voted on each of those bills. If you are unsure about who your Legislators are, click here.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

PPAZ President Resigns from Governor's Commission on Women's & Children's Health

Recently, Planned Parenthood Arizona’s president and CEO, Bryan Howard and Candace Lew, OB/GYN and PPAZ board chair, resigned their respective memberships on the Governor’s Commission on Women’s and Children’s Health. This resignation was a result of numerous decisions Gov. Jan Brewer and her administration made that endanger women’s health and undermine the work of the Commission.

“Planned Parenthood Arizona believes strongly in the importance of the Commission’s mission and work. Indeed, the Commission was created by Governor Jane Hull following our recommendation,” said Howard.

The letter sent to Gov. Brewer cited that for the governor, political priorities outweigh women’s health priorities. The governor’s actions are deliberately contrary to the recommendations made by public health leaders who have donated their time and best thinking to the women and families of Arizona through their participation in the Commission’s deliberations on critical issues including teen pregnancy and inadequate access to basic prevention-oriented health care. Click here to read the full letter.

Harmful decisions made by Gov. Brewer and her administration, include:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Abortion Myths vs. Reality in Healthcare Reform Debate

There has been a great deal of misinformation being spread about abortion care in health reform efforts. First, the majority of private insurance plans today cover abortion care. Second, a recent Mellman poll revealed that most Americans will NOT support health care reform if it doesn’t include comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion. And, third, Americans do not want to see benefits taken away under health care reform. In other words, women don’t want to be worse off under health reform than they are today.

Here are some common myths that have been promoted throughout the health care reform debate.

1. MYTH: Health care reform would result in the greatest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.
Currently, the majority of plans already cover basic reproductive health care, including abortion care. In fact, more than 86 percent of employer-based insurance plans cover abortion care. That's why anti-choice groups are working so hard to strip reproductive health from health care reform — in order to strip women of coverage they currently have.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

HB2564 Media Attention

The following articles appeared in Arizona media outlets after Gov. Brewer signed HB2564, the Omnibus Anti-Abortion Bill. Feel free to post any others as a comment to this post.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius Nomination Confirmed

Exciting Political News! The U.S. Senate just confirmed Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' nomination to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

This is a huge victory, with the Senate voting 65-31 for Sebelius to take the helm. She will now be sworn into office by the Obama White House. The Department of Health and Human Services provides critical services to millions of Americans, and finally has a thoughtful, progressive leader at the helm. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was quick to release a statement after the vote applauding her nomination.
She is an excellent choice to lead HHS and has a proven track record of increasing access to affordable care, as countless women and their families struggle to afford quality health care during these difficult economic times, the need for health care reform that improves health outcomes is immediate.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Progressive Lobby Day

Join us in Phoenix to learn about important issues affecting reproductive rights and other vital issues affecting our state.

Your voice and your presence are powerful, and your participation is necessary to move pro-equality, pro-sexual health legislation forward.

Left: Volunteers Sarah, Melinda, Tiffany and Grassroots Leader Emily at the Capital.

Representatives have lunch with the Planned Parenthood volunteers

Volunteers meet with Arizona House member, Olivia Cajero Bedford